1. Think Positive Things: The first law of success
states that "first within, then without". The first thing
you should do is to change your thinking. Always
think positive things about yourself because "as a
man thinketh in his heart, so he is". Start now to think
success, happiness and fulfillment. Believe it deeply
in your heart and it shall manifest.

2. Cultivate A Positive Self Image: Consciously
cultivate and develop a positive self-image . Begin to
see yourself as God, with the ability and capacity to
cause positive things to happen in your life. Look for
that special gift God has given you (everybody has
got one). Develop it, hone it and showcase it. Do not
believe what people say about you. Believe in
yourself, believe in what you say you are. You are
not what people say you are. You are who God says
you are and what you choose to be"

3. See And Believe Positive Things: "Whatever the
eyes see consistently over a period of time, will
stick and shape a person’s mind. Transformation can
only take place where there is internal conversion.
So, consciously and consistently choose to
see positive things. Do not look at the ugly side of
things, look at their positive side. Conversely, do not
believe in negative things. I have come across many
who tell me that some witch in their family is
responsible for their situation. I usually tell such
people that they themselves are the witch. There is
nothing like witch craft, but if you believe in it then it
will manifest in your life. Everything or situation
starts from the mind.

4 Talk Positive: "There is power in the tongue".
"Words have the power to heal or kill". So, chose to
say positive things about yourself always because
"you have to say it before you can see it"

5 Dream Big: The late Bishop Benson Idahosa once
said that "If God gives you a vision, he will make a
provision". Whatever the situation, always dream big
and consistently pursue your vision. As Bob Proctor
said, “you were born rich”

6 Be Prepared for your Opportunity: Read, read
and read. Read anything that comes your way. This
will place you in a position to recognize opportunities
in line with your aspiration. Reading is like investing. I
have never seen anyone who lost something
because he chose to read. Information is power. Even
if you have got all the first class degrees, don’t stop
reading. A man who does not read has no advantage
over the one who cannot. So seek for more
knowledge, you can never lose.

7 . Associate With Like Minds: Associate
with people from whom you can learn positive things.
Seek to have a mentor who can guide you to your
dreams. Where this is not possible, then read stories
of people you admire. Also, chose to make friends
with people who think and act like the way you do.

8. Reaction to issues/situations : Whatever the
situation, chose to be cool, calm, confident and
urbane at all times for "it is not what a person says
or does to you that makes you sad, it is how you
react to what is said or done to you". Learn to forgive
all those who have offended you. Forgiveness begets

9 . Do Something: There is something magical about
doing something: If you succeed you earn; if you fail
you learn; either way you gain. Do away with
procrastination and do something to earn a living, no
matter how small. Don’t just sit there waiting for that
big job to land on your lap. Start something. For
instance, pick up a part time teaching job – just for
the moment. If you can’t teach, learn how to teach.
Only be sure to teach in the area you are strong in. It
is through whatever you do that break-through

10. Take good care of yourself : Give yourself a
treat, have a good time, have fun, look good, live your
life and regret nothing. Demand more from life, for
you deserve it. Remember: you were born rich.

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