Say goodbye to year 2016 and welcome a brand new year 2017send happy new year sms / text messages , new year greetings & quotes to your friends, family and loved ones.
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When the mid-night bell rings tonight..
Let it signify new and better things for you,
let it signify a realization of all things you wish for,
Let it signify a year of courage and believes,
Wishing you a very...very...very prosperous 2016.

Years come and go,
but this year I specially wish 4 u
a double dose of health n happiness
topped with loads of good fortune.
Have a great year ahead!

Nights are Dark but Days are Light,
Wish your Life will always be Bright.
So my Dear don't get Fear
Coz, God Gift us a "BRAND NEW YEAR".

There have been many time in 2016
when I may disturbed you
troubled u
irritated u
bugged u
today I just wanna tell you
I plan to continue it in 2017.

2017 is at the door
Life is short, break the rules,
Forgive quickly,
love truly,
laugh uncontrollably,
never regret anything that made you smile.

Little keys open big locks
Simple words reflect great thoughts
Your smile can cure heart blocks
So keep on smiling it rocks.
Happy New Year 2017

May God achieve your all remaining goals
in this last month of the year,
Whatever u havn't completd in 11 months

New Year begins,
let us pray that
it will be a year with New Peace,
New Happiness
and abundance of new friends,
God bless you
through out the New Year.

Remember the laughter,
the joy,
the hard work,
and the tears.
And as you reflect on the past year,
also think of the new one to come.
Because most importantly,
this is a time of new beginnings
and the celebration of life."

Not by making your life always pleasant,
But by showing you when people
And their causes need you most,
And by making you anxious to be
There to help.
And joy to you for the year ahead

2017 is Coming! Before 2016 Ends,
Let Me Thank all the Good People like U,
Who made '2016' so much Beautiful 4 Me.
I Pray U be Blessed with Faithful Years Ahead.
I wish You a
Fantastic JANUARY
Love able FEBRUARY
Marvelous MARCH
Fool less APRIL
Enjoyable MAY
Successful JUNE
Wonderful JULY
Independent AUGUST
Tastiest OCTOBER
Beautiful NOVEMBER
Have a VICTORIOUS '2017'

Darling I Wish To Take This Opportunity
To Thank You For What
You Have Done For Me
That Whole Year.
Happy New Year.

Memorable Moment Are Celebrated Together,
U R My Best Friend for now & forever,
Let This Year 2017 Will Get You
Happiest Moment,
Love From Others,
Wish U A Happy And Prosperous New Year 2017
Good Words For You.

12 Powerful Gratitude Practices That Bring Joy

“Piglet noticed that even though he had a Very Small Heart, it could hold a rather large amount of Gratitude.”
~A. A. Milne

Gratitude didn’t come naturally to me. If there had been a championship for complaining, I would have been a serious contender.

For years I felt entitled to everything, including the kindness of others. This didn’t make me very happy, since it was always easy to find something or someone to complain about. The more critical I grew, the less appealing life seemed and the worse I got on with others.

The weather seemed awful, supermarket queues too slow, bosses too unappreciative, children too rowdy and messy, winters too cold, summers too hot, health too unsatisfactory, work too stressful, prices too high, quality too low, TV too boring, politicians too self-serving, traffic too slow, drivers too inconsiderate, and so on.

If I had continued living like that, I might have ended up complaining that water was too wet and the sky too blue.

Fortunately, I came across countless research studies about gratitude. How it reduced anxiety , depression, emotional exhaustion, and even suicidal thoughts, while boosting happiness and satisfaction with life. How it lowered blood pressure, boosted immunity, and encouraged healthy habits while improving sleep.

Research even suggested that gratitude improved the quality of romance and marriage! Now that seemed like an irresistible offer.

I started collecting practical tips for living in a more grateful way, and started trying them out. Warning: these ways of practicing gratitude could seriously damage your unhappiness!

1. Tell your partner exactly how a recent episode made you love them even more.
Be very specific and detailed. For example, “I love that you thought about what I would really like for our anniversary, and that you made all the bookings because you know it takes me ages to pick a hotel.”

It doesn’t have to be in connection with an annual event, such as an anniversary. It could be something as small as the way they hug you to cheer you up when they see that you’ve had a hard day. But tell them exactly what it is you loved about that, and why.

This detailed expression of gratitude signals your responsiveness to your partner. It tends to make them more responsive too. Romance thrives on mutual responsiveness.

2. If your relationship is going through a rough patch, imagine the disappearance of your partner.
This is counter-intuitive, but it makes you more grateful for all that is good in the relationship. People who suddenly

lost their partner often tell of how relatively insignificant their petty disagreements now seem. They often say they would give anything to have their loved one back.

If I even think about trying this, it immediately makes me way more grateful for my partner. It makes me realize how lucky I am.

3. Look beyond a gift.
Think consciously about the trouble that somebody took to bring something good into your life, often at some inconvenience and cost to themselves.

We enjoy watching Grand Slam tennis tournaments on TV.

We thought that we might one day get to watch a tournament in person, but tickets for the main courts sell out rapidly. Then our son surprised us with tickets for
prime seats at a Grand Slam event.

It was totally unexpected. We were so touched that he went to all the trouble and expense. The tennis and setting were magnificent, and the awareness of his love even better.

4. Relish each good moment more consciously.
Have you noticed, really consciously noticed, the many patterns that bubbles make in a warm bath? Or the bizarre

shapes of white clouds in a blue sky? Or the quirky way that an eggshell starts to crack when you strike it? Or the comforting feel of your pillow when you go to bed after a long, hard day?

Wonderful little delights await us, moment by moment. But we need to notice them consciously. Then gratitude starts flowing through each moment of life.

I fill a pan with water every morning, to boil some eggs. I love watching the bubbles in the water as they dance for me. It helps to set the tone for my day.

5. Shout for joy when something really good happens to you.
I used to be an expert in misery.
Did I gain admission to medical school? Keep it quiet, I don’t do happiness.
Was I graduating and did my parents want to celebrate?
Don’t bother coming, Mum and Dad, it’s just another day.

What was I thinking? If I could go back and shake myself hard, I would.
“Shout for joy!” I would urge my younger self. “Get up, put on your favorite song, jump around and dance like a wild child!”

Whatever you celebrate becomes more real to your mind.
And you become more grateful for it.

6. Fast forward.
When we got married, the photographer made us pose endlessly. We were relieved when it was over. In our relief, we leaned in for a kiss.
The experienced photographer immediately clicked it.
I remember thinking, “That photo’s going to make us so happy when we’re old.”
That peek into the future made me feel even luckier in the moment.

Use every opportunity to create memories that will delight you for years. You’ll feel grateful in the moment, and grateful again that you can look forward to good memories.

7. Tell someone else when you’re particularly taken by something.
We get to see some spectacular sunsets in the summer. I just have to go to our picture window and look out over rooftops. It’s as if a great artist has splashed colors across the sky.
“Wow!” I’ll call out, spontaneously. “Come and look at this!
Isn’t it stunning?”
Sharing the appreciation with someone else makes you more grateful.

8. Introduce a guest to your favorite places, people, music, food etc.
There’s a reason why you love some things so much.
Somebody else might not yet appreciate those delights. In opening their eyes, you open your own eyes again and become more grateful.
I love it when visitors stay with us, partly because I get to show them around some favorite spots. There’s one place where a man-made canal crosses high over a river with an old mill, and green hillsides with sheep climb steeply skyward. I could spend hours there, just soaking it all in.
Sometimes my guests will even notice details that I missed. Their delight multiplies my own.

9. Build a bank of gratitude.
Life won’t necessarily go your way forever. If adversity strikes, it can be difficult to recall a time when you were grateful.

Build a bank of gratitude by storing notes, pictures, and other documents about what you were thankful for.

Mine includes lots of pictures of sunsets, family, travels, and nature, and notes regarding some kindness shown to me, little improvements in my health and fitness, and things I achieved. I even store some notes about difficult times that made me wiser and stronger, and about
unhelpful people whose behavior inadvertently helped me in some way.

If you like to write on paper, you can choose a beautiful notebook and write in it each day. It shouldn’t be too difficult to find a few things you’re grateful for. If you get stuck, you can express thanks for being spared some undesirable things (life in a war zone, for example, or a
disabling illness.)

If you prefer to write on pieces of paper, you could collect these papers in a big gratitude jar. It will delight you more than a jar of sweets delights a little child.

If life ever gets on top of you and your mind is filled with complaints, you can visit your bank of gratitude to regain a sense of perspective. Gratitude and joy need never be too far away.

10. Invite someone to be your gratitude buddy.
If your partner is a naturally grateful person, you don’t have to look far. You can encourage and coach one another in
living more gratefully.
Even then, you might like to invite a trusted confidante to join you in the conscious practice of gratitude. You can
make a pact to practice one or more of these tips at least once a day, and encourage each other when you slip.
Sharing your practice in this way helps to make gratitude a habit and a new way of living.
I’m fortunate to have a naturally grateful partner, but I do enjoy sharing my gratitude practices with others. Then I
have to live up to what I proclaim.

11. Be aware of how gratitude feels in your body.
When you regularly practice gratitude, you start to feel a kind of joy in your body. It’s like a homecoming, as if you’re relaxing into a warm bath after shivering outside in the freezing winter of complaints.
Be conscious of how your limbs, your hands, your feet, your neck, your body, your face and your gut feel when you’re
expressing gratitude. Take a couple of minutes to meditate on the sensations.
Enjoy the glow of gratitude and add it to
your list of things you’re grateful for.

12. Widen your net of gratitude to include more people.
Did you have a favorite teacher? What was it you loved about them? What effect did they have on your life?

One of my big regrets in life is that my first music teacher died before I could properly thank him. He taught me a wonderful approach to musical composition. I use what he taught me almost every day, and music-making brings me so much joy in life.

Think of all the people who contributed to your life. Thank them, one by one. Write to them, phone them, email them, visit them, do anything that works, but be sure to thank them.

Be as detailed and as specific as you can. Show them how much you understand their good intentions and effort. Let them know exactly what their contribution means in your life.
That will make them glow. And it will make you glow.
Express gratitude to people at every opportunity. It strengthens the bonds of goodwill and connection on which
we humans thrive. It allows us to be part of something bigger than ourselves, and to attempt good and important things as we join others in working for meaningful causes.
Of course, gratitude is not always appropriate. Sometimes there are very good reasons for dissatisfaction and
complaint, such as in abusive relationships. Even there, a habitually grateful person can sometimes more easily find solutions because they are more warmly connected to people who can help out.

I like these simple practices because they’re relatively easy to do, yet they bring huge benefits. They’ve opened the door to a much more joyful way of living for me. I now experience much warmer relationships with my loved ones and others.
We know from neuroscience that what we do habitually can change even our brains. I used to be a champion complainer. Now I’m steadily improving at practicing gratitude.
If these practices work for me, a complainer by instinct, then they can work for anyone.
I’d love to hear what gratitude practices you’ve found useful. Let’s add to the list of practices and spread the joy. Thanks for the privilege of writing for you.


To maintain a healthy vagina you must know what to do to avoid infection and it is equally important to educate your sexual partner on some of them to also help you help the vagina.

Here are some few things you can do or avoid.


During foreplay or romance, as part of it some people insert their finger or fingers into the vagina. The question is, how many people wash their hands before sexual intercourse? Some people do not even keep their nails clean so it gathers a lot of germs and during the fingering,
these germs are deposited in the vagina...leading to infection. Same thing apply to autopleasure acts or masturbation.

2. Anal sex

I am not here to tell anybody to have anal sex or not to but I simply want to draw the attention of those who engage in anal sex with the opposite sex that it is dangerous to have anal sex and continue having penovaginal sex. If this is done, the penis will pick bacteria from the anus and deliver them to the vagina even if you
are using a condom....which will lead to infection.

3. Quest to make the vagina TIGHT

Some guys complain bitterly about the vagina of their sexual partners. They complain that it's too big and they no more feel any sensation during intercourse. Some ladies are therefore pushed to find a quick solution and in
the process some use herbs or other substances in the vagina with the hope of making the vagina tight. Some of the substances cause infection or sepsis. Some of the herbs can cause the vagina to get tighter to the extent that penetration is no more possible. This will
require treatment.

4. Douching

Some parents, when bathing for their baby girls put warm water in a milk tin or dip a towel in the warm water and pour the water through a hole made beneath the tin or squeeze the water out of the towel into the vagina of the baby. This is so WRONG as it can damage the hymen.

Some parents also insert ginger or pepper or both into the vagina of adolescents as a form of punishment. This is so WRONG as it can lead to infection.

Some people are use to bathing by adding dettol or other detergents to the water and they put this solution inside
the vagina with the help of sponge or towel or just the hand with soap to clean the vagina. This is so WRONG as it will change the normal flora in the vagina, leading to infection.

5. Use of water closet

Some people have the habit of not sitting on the seat of the WC when using it so they end up urinating on the seat.

The possibility of picking infection when using it in that condition is high. Don't let your pant be at the thigh level when using the WC especially the public ones as the inner of the pant may rub the surface of the WC. Where the water is not running and people have used but have not flushed and you don't have any choice but to also use it, use enough toilet roll to cover before using the WC to avoid
any splashes on the vulva.

6. Washing and drying

Develop the habit of disinfecting your panties frequently...depending on the number of pants you have.

Keep exclusive panties to wear whenever you are menstruating and don't mix those panties with your regular panties. Pay particular attention to those panties when
washing. Ensure that the panties are made of cotton and are dried in the sun or well ironed to kill germs.

7. Change sanitary pads

Some people try to economize the use of their sanitary pads so during the period they tend to still wear the pad because there is little or no blood. This is so WRONG as it can lead to infection.

NB: If there is any bad scent from the vagina or there is a discharge coming from the vagina then it might be an
infection which you have to have it treated.

Help save the vagina by ensuring that you get the message to as many friends as possible. Help save the vagina by getting the message to your sexual partner or

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