5 Steps to Change Your Perspective and Overcome Your Challenges

“Look again at that dot. That’s here. That’s home. That’s us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone
you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives.” ~Carl Sagan
I’m there with a hundred other people. The lights fade to a whisper then vanish, leaving us in darkness. Stars appear.
Thousands of them, projected onto the dome screen above.
In the center of the screen is Earth with its emerald and amber lands and sapphire oceans frosted by clouds. We watch the planet’s rotation, and then we’re flying backward through space, and the Earth becomes small, tiny, nothing more than Carl Sagan’s pale blue dot…
It’s only a planetarium show. One of many that lays the whole universe bare at this museum. By this time, I’ve seen it almost a hundred times.
I was the guy in back who ran the shows. A couple touches on the screen and you sent the audience to space.
Easy. For now.
My job at the museum was nearly stress free. I was finishing up my undergrad, and it worked well with my schedule.
Then I graduated and got promoted. My position completely changed to involve heavier guest relations. I didn’t think I would enjoy it, but I let the money, benefits, and coworkers sway me to it.
The next six months were some of the most stressful in my life.
Every day I left work exhausted, overwhelmed by the amount of guests I helped on a daily basis—on one particularly busy day the computer told me I had helped over 1,000 guests in an eight-hour period.
I was meditating and exercising regularly, and couldn’t keep up with the stress. I rarely had enough energy to go out after work, and I stopped seeing friends; I was too tired to be around anyone but my girlfriend.
I looked for ways to change the situation: I made suggestions to try and improve the positions, spoke to supervisors about what I could do to use my strengths in
more effective ways, and even brought up the idea of creating a new position for me.
Between personnel departures and red tape, it didn’t go anywhere. I became more and more frustrated, and worse,
just pulling up to the building in the morning or checking my email from home called up waves of anxiety.
I didn’t know what to do.
I was stuck in my thinking. I just didn’t realize it.
My anxiety and stress levels got so high, I almost got into a fistfight with a guest over a misunderstanding while on a break.
I’ve never punched at anyone outside of a martial arts class, and I was about to snap and throw the first one.
With my whole body shaking like an airport massage chair, I walked away and left for the day.
What I should’ve done instead was walked into the planetarium for some new perspective.
There’s something called the “Overview Effect.” This happens to astronauts when they go into space, all the way out to the moon, and see the pale blue dot that is
Earth in all of its entirety.
No borders. No conflicts. Just the beautiful rock hurtling through space that we all live on.
Anousheh Ansari, a space tourist who went to the international space station said, “If people can see Earth from up here, see it without those borders, see it without any differences in race or religion, they would have a completely different perspective. Because when you see it from that angle, you cannot think of your home or your country. All you can see is one Earth….”
If you’re anything like me, you probably can’t afford to be a space tourist, and you’re probably not working on a
homemade rocket in your backyard to shoot yourself into orbit (always a bad idea!)
So how can we use this experience to get new perspective and relieve stress? Like Mr. Rogers helped me do as a kid, we can imagine it (or visualize it, for all the adults out there).
1. What challenge are you facing?
As much as we sometimes want to skip to the end, we have to start somewhere.
What’s the situation that’s challenging you? Was it a stressful event earlier in the day? Maybe it’s something that happened in the past that still upset you. Or maybe
it’s something you’re in the thick of, like my stressful museum job.
Picture yourself in the situation. Don’t just see it, but hear it and feel it as well. Bring in all the details you can to make it more real.
2. Blast off.
The problem with our own perspective is that it’s limited.
Time to expand it.
Imagine yourself leaving your body. Your homemade rocket could be taking off, or maybe you’re gently floating out of
yourself into the air.
Before leaving the atmosphere, look down with a bird’s-eye view. See yourself all the way down there. See everyone else involved, and see the challenge or situation in its entirety.
What do you see that you didn’t before? How does your perspective change from way up here?
Feel free to see how your perspective changes in relation to yourself, each person, and the challenge as a whole.
3. Leave Earth behind.
When you’re ready, it’s time to continue on your journey.
Leave Earth behind, and head out into space until you can see the whole thing.
Ask yourself the same questions from #2 and any other that come to mind.
From way out here, what do you notice that’s new about your situation? What changes do you notice in your stress
4. Come on back.
If you need to, you can always go farther out, until Earth is just that tiny blue dot. But just like astronauts we can’t (yet) stay out there forever. If you’re ready, time to come on back.
But don’t float back into your own body. Instead, with your new, all-encompassing viewpoint, imagine yourself floating
into the bodies of the other people first. See the situation with their viewpoint as well.
What do you learn?
This may be tough, especially if you’re feeling ill-will toward them. But often, the larger, total-Earth view helps with that.
When you’re ready, come on back to yourself. From your own eyes, check one more time. What do you see that you
didn’t before? How has the situation changed for you?
5. Take action.
So you have a newfound perspective. What do you want to do with it?
What action can you take to improve the situation or do things differently? We usually can’t change other people, but we can change what we do and how we react to others.
Sometimes it might be something big—for me, since I couldn’t change my job, I left it. It took me awhile, and took
a shift in my stuck thinking.
If I had used this exercise at the time, I might’ve left much earlier. Instead, it came down to my girlfriend seeing me
stressed out, day after day, and telling me, “It’s not worth it.”
Picturing it now from high above, I can see how right she was. My work meant me no harm; in fact, the people there
wanted the best for me.
I committed to a job and outgrew it. It was time to move on to bigger and better things, but I kept myself stuck out of fear of what would happen if I left.
From out here in space, the fear seems a little bit funny, but there are no harsh judgments. I see why I did it, so there’s compassion for both myself and for my managers and coworkers stuck in the same situation.
Up here, there’s no borders, no conflict. Just feeling present in the moment with love for a pale blue dot and its people
hurtling through the universe.


As a man, keeping your penis healthy and sweet is important. Your sexual organs are very valuable and must be cared for.

1. A clean penis is very important so wash your penis with warm water at least twice a day. Clean the scrotum and under the penis shaft gently and scrub your scrotal sack too.

2. Leaving too much hair around the penis is not cool. During sex,the hair can cause cuts on the vaginal organs and condom. Also, hair around the base of the penis can be breeding ground for boils and cause bad odour so shave or keep it short and clean.

3. Don’t pamper the penis too much, As soon as you notice an infection, boil, rashes, please get help immediately.

4. Many guys wear one boxer for a whole week or even a month but for health reasons please change your boxers everyday. Dirty boxer may give your penis a permanent bad smell and a bad taste.

5. Guys what you eat affects the taste of your semen or penile juice. Avoid too much garlic, onion, alcohol,coffee and spicy foods. Eat fruits that are high in natural sugar like oranges, apples, mangoes and please take honey too. They all make your sperm taste good to feed the egg for a healthy baby.

6. A woman’s face may need makeup but not your penis. Avoid using powder around the penis. If you do, especially after shaving, you might have to deal with serious irritations. The penis doesn’t need perfume to smell good so don’t spray perfume around your penis.

7. For those who are not circumcised, in your case, please pull back the the foreskin and wash underneath with warm water everyday.


71. Nature of hair do: plaiting, weaving, curling, wig etc
72. Make up: use of earring, lipstick, cosmetics pedicure etc
73. Temperament

So many young people are making excuses for their shortcomings in courtship, that, they don't know what to talk about. And, as a result of that, the only thing that is available to do is sex, which can damage their marital pursuit. All we have mentioned above are not a day talk; neither a month nor a year talk. They are something you can talk and talk until your mind is clear.

So many marriages are having problems today because they fail to talk the right thing while in courtship. They substitute their talking period for sex and other related acts.


It is not time for marriage until you are satisfied with every talking, until your eyes can see clearly the bottom of the water, until you have guarantee of your second life ( marriage).
You can save yourself from fruitless race in marriage now that you are not bonded with" marital vows. You don't have to join the queue of failing marriages.
Marriage is sweet and marriage is bitter base on your own experience and content of your discussion while in courtship. Talk about it now.!!


Hope you enjoyed it all...... please share with a friend to help them in their relationship. Thank You!!!


21. Home conflict and management
22 Anger management: some spouse will say" whenever I'm in rage or angry, the only person that can calm me down is my mother or someone else" some will say " leave me for sometime and I will get over it" Talk about it
23. Fear and anxiety
24. Friendship with opposite sex: don't hand shake or hug any other man when I'm around etc talk about now
25. Family friends: who and who do you want as family friends? what caliber of people?
26. Personal friends
27. Level of ambition
28. personal goals and achievements
29. corporate life goals and achievements
30. Attitude towards weight: many ladies are slim before marriage but fat after marriage. if you are a type that likes slim lady, look at her mother if she has, because, she's likely to look like her mother later in life. For men , spot belly etc. Talk about it now..
31.Religion belief and spiritual preference
32. Church denomination: is it her church you will be attending after wedding or his?
33. church involvement
34. hobbies and interests
35. songs and music
36. Values and goals
37. self control: does he have problem with women?
38. Past life
39.Amount of income to spend and save
40. House wife or career woman
41. Type of account
42. What percentage should be allocated to cloths, vacations, given away and to whom?
43. Means and risk of investment
44. Attitude about cleanliness
45. Location: where to settle, geographical, commercial, spiritual, and social area to live
46. Order of priority: house before car or vice- versa
47. Size and style of house: bungalow, upstairs, flat, duplex, fenced or open house. Talk about it now!
48. Ways of handling sickness: are you the type that if somebody vomit around you or see blood, you will run away?
49. Means of getting treatment: is it private hospital, or teaching hospital, or tradomedical center?
50. Payment of school fees

51. Children's schooling: private and public
52. Health standard: are you the type that uses the drug or faith? Talk about it
53. Interpersonal and social skills: does your spouse have caucus, caliber, or levels? Does he/ she have pride or look down on people?
54. Stinginess
55. House helpers: maid, Gardner, gateman, driver, dry cleaner, house cleaner etc
56. Nature of food: only African food or continental or mixed
57. Mode of sleeping: together or separately
58. Mattress: water bed, mat etc
59. Sexual intimacy'
60. sexual intercourse during pregnancy
61. types of furniture and interior decorations
62. Jewelries
63. types of cloth to be wearing
64. Day or days of fasting in a week
65. Amount and type of travel prefer: is it every vacation or yuletide period? is it by flight, land etc
66. Time to be spent together: some couples live away from each other throughout their lives, as a result of job etc
67. When to go to bed and when to wake up"
68. Time for family alter
69. Test on genotype, HIV/AIDS, blood group etc
70. Intelligent decision



1. Interview: Always try to ask questions and make enquiry of what that looks ambiguous to you

2. Assessment: Always look back and see if what you have discussed is able to give you glorious home.

Have you dealt with all issues that ought to be dealt with? Never go into the marriage if you are not sure.

Have you talked about:
1. background

2. Do's and dont's
3. Weaknesses: e.g. snoring, eating habit e.t.c
4. Formal education: to what level?
5. Verbal skills: how does he/she talks
6. Expected roles of both individuals in the marriage: His roles as husband and father and her roles as wife mother of your children
7. Love and respect: to what extent does she respect or submit to you as her husband, and to what extent does he loves you as his wife.
8. Number of children
9. type of family planning
10. Gap between children

11. Child rearing view
12. Mental, social, psychological, spiritual, philosophy of life
13. Ways of dealing with issues
14. Talk about smoking, drinking, alcohol and coming home late
15. Night journey
16. involvement of in- laws and parental influence
17. Sense of humour: are you a person that doesn't laugh or joke, just study and pray every minute? talk about it now
18. Punctuality
19. Dependability: to what extent can you depend on him/her? some men will say," she depend on me for everything, she doesn't have goals or visions" talk about it now
20. Verbal intimacy: freedom of expressing feelings



The time of courtship is not the time for feeling of pecking and kissing. it is a serious matter. it is a time to talk and get it straight away. it is expected of your courtship to prepare you for marriage, but, nowadays, reverse is the case, the activities in courtship can never secure happy marriage life. There are lot of things to know and understand, and how can you know and understand if you don't talk. Different Pictures of Courtships.

1. Mute courtships: these are the set of people that don't talk freely in there courtship, whereby, fiancé is acting in a strange manner to his fiancée and vice versa. It is not that they are deaf dump but they are not close in heart. The major cause of this is ignorance. Sometimes, Christian brothers and sisters practice this kind of courtship in the name of spirituality. Also, some people will not want to offend their partners may be because of position, age difference or wealth, and as a result of that they will be mute throughout their courtship life.

2. Talkative courtships: These are the set of people that talk in their courtship but without sense. They never talk right things. They are inclined in excessive talking, that is, always ready to talk even at length but you cannot hold any point. They talk freely about unimportant things in a friendly way. This kind of courtship is usually full of gossip and malice.

3. Flippant courtships: these are the set of people that joke too much in their courtship. They take things for granted and turn everything to child play. They are never serious with each other. Serious matters are not common in their discussion. They thought inappropriately and laugh on things that doesn't worth it. They are too playful, frolicsome, perky, lighthearted, giddy, frivolous and silly in nature. Their talks lack intellectual substance and things not worth serious consideration. Full of trivial discussions.

4. Flamboyant courtships: These are the set of people that believe everything is fun. They never talk to plan, they talk to spend. Too extravagant. They are full of eatery, clubbing, film house etc. They can never sit down at the round table to talk about progress in their courtship, but the next party to attend.

5. Constructive courtship: these are the set of people that construct their marital future with the content of their discussions. They are full of talks that are carefully considered and meant to be helpful to their marriage in the nearest future. Their talks, jokes, and fun are building them up for glorious marriage. They are polite and moderate in every sense of life.
Well-mannered, socially superior to ordinary people and considered refined or cultured. They talk with grace, courtesy, love and have respect for each other. Maturity is written all over them.

Keys that can help you to talk constructively CONTINUES IN PART 2


Never leave a serious relationship because of few issues that can be resolved or ignored. Remember there's no one who is perfect in everything and every way. When you write off people because of their imperfections, first take a look at yourself and question yourself,if u are flawless. Think of the next person u're going to date,won't he/she find u imperfect somehow? How will u feel when he/she dumps you just because of one flaw? What if u find your next worse than your ex? Will you also dump that person because he/she doesn't trick all our boxes? then when will that habit of picking and dropping lovers end? Think of the years that are going,you are loosing each and every chance that comes your way simply because you are looking for that perfect person. My friends there is no Mr and miss perfect on earth if you are thinking of letting go of your caring,patient, loving, understanding, trustworthy dude or babe think twice before you decide, someone is out there admiring your man or woman and wishes to replace you one day, someone is out there praying for your breakup, some are your enemies pretending to be your best friends. C'mon solve those disagreement and feel free to apologize when u are in wrong,be a good listener, don't entertain certain rumours, use your brain and follow your heart. Be God fearing, appreciate what he/she sacrifices for you even if its small cause that is what he/she can afford.

BREAKING NEWS: MMM NIGERIA IS BACK.. We are now open!!! :-) Sergey Mavrodi

Dear members,
The holidays are over, and we''re now open. Just as promised. (You might have already noticed that we always stick to our promises. :-)) Actually, we promised to be open on January 14, but we''re open now, January 13, as you can see, which is a day earlier. (Well, I hope, the members of the System will forgive us for that. :-))

It''s related to the hysteria raised by the authorities and the mass media around MMM. By joining forces, they''ve managed to nearly give the members of the System a heart attack and have frightened them out of their wits. Poor souls don''t know what to expect. Will we open again or not? :-))

This is why we''ve decided, considering the situation, to reach out to the members, reassure and cheer them up by opening a little earlier. After all, Together We Can Change The World! :-))

Here we go.

1. As of this notice, MMM resumes its usual operation. You can now create your GH-requests.

2. However, it''s obvious that panic will reign in the first few days after the re-opening of the System. We’re likely to be deluged by GH-requests. Therefore, we''re going to make gradual paybacks by setting internal output limits. In other words, we will only pay a certain amount per day. Please, be prepared to wait for a couple of days. We are certain things will then calm down, and the System operation will return to normal.
We''re the ones setting the limits, so it''s completely under our control, and we are not expecting any emergencies in principle. Have no fear and go on about your business as usual. :-))

As the System is socially oriented, we will make paybacks to the poor and the economically disadvantaged in the first place: it means to the members with small PH amounts. The richer can wait. Moreover, we''ve warned you repeatedly to only provide help with amounts that are not critical for you. Therefore, if these large amounts are not critical for them (the richer), they can wait a few days. No need to be tragic about it. :-))
This is the way it''s going to be.

Hoping for your kind understanding, Sergey Mavrodi. We Change The World!
P. S. I''d like again to call on the authorities and the mass media: Please, leave us alone! Have mercy on people.


Find Coordinates

Find Location

Oleh Latitude and Longitude

The latitude for Oleh, Nigeria is: 5.458936 and the longitude is: 6.203092.
Oleh Latitude:5.458936
Oleh Longitude:6.203092
Latitude DMS:5°27'32.17"N
Longitude DMS:6°12'11.13"E
UTM Easting:190,054.60
UTM Northing:604,114.86
UTM Zone:32N
Position from Earth's Center:NE
Elevation:14.91 Meters (48.91 Feet)
Country Code:NG
Country Code Alpha-3:NGA
Country Continent:Africa
Time Zone:Africa/Lagos
Time Zone Abbreviation:WAT
WAT Stands for:West Africa Time
Daylight Saving Time:No
UTC/GMT Difference:+01:00
Current Time:Friday January 13th 10:22am

Oleh, Nigeria Summary

Oleh has a latitude of 5°27'32.17"N and a longitude of 6°12'11.13"E or 5.458936 and 6.203092 respectively.
Areas near Oleh:
Populated areas nearby:
Airports near 5°27'32.17"N and 6°12'11.13"E:
Now that you know the location, you might also be interested in knowing the land elevation or altitude, for details see elevation for Oleh.


Mascherano predicts a tough game against Athletic in Copa del Rey: 

"As always it will be a difficult tie against Athletic, a team who always play well in the Copa. The second half of the season must start in the best way, we want to fight for every title and hopefully we can get things going with a win."

40 Thank You Messages for Friends: Quotes and Notes

  Thank you my friend quote friendships day message gratitude

Thank You Messages for Friends: Friendship is too precious to be celebrated with a measly greeting card on Friendship’s Day. Make every day count and keep poking your besties with cute texts, tweets, pins on Pinterest and posts on Facebook. From handwritten notes that touch the heart to funny doodles about crazy stuff you’ve done together, let your friends know how much you appreciate them for all the support, advice, hugs and smiles. Childhood besties, bffs in school, college roommates or colleagues at work – all these people hold a special place in your life’s memory bank. Stop waiting for birthdays and other special moments to write a sweet note for them. Take ideas from this post to find the right words to randomly say Thank You to your friends for everything they’ve done for you.

1) My friend… thanks for tolerating my idiosyncrasies and crazy habits. You might not know this, but you helped me find happiness in being the person that I really am.

2) The secret to lifelong friendship is to treat is not just as a gift, but also as a responsibility. Thanks for playing your part to perfection.

3) Thanks for knowing exactly when to tell me what I want to hear, when I want to hear it the most.

4) From selfies to parties and from heartbreak to loneliness, thanks for being there for me through it all. xoxo

5) I am glad that the love in our friendship is not dependant on mood swings and bad hair days. xoxo

Friendship quote one true friend in life worth living
6) It’s ok if you don’t have too many friends. Just one good friend is all it takes to make life worth living.

7) There is no one with whom I can share my tears and fears, if you were not here. Thanks for being by my side, and always giving me reasons to cheer.

8) Thanks for removing the word EXPECTATION and adding the world HAPPINESS to the dictionary of our friendship.

9) I would rather thank you time and again for being a wonderful friend in every way, than belittle our friendship by saying thanks only once a year on Friendship’s Day. Thank you.

10) Thank you for being by my side not just when success makes me a haughty snob, but also when failure makes be a lousy slob. xoxo
Thank you my friend long hugs and laughs in friendship message
11) My friend, thanks for never asking for reasons or explanations when all I wanted was a long hug and a few laughs. xoxo

12) Best friends are those who keep giving, even when you have nothing to give in return. Thanks for being one.

13) Throughout my life, everyone could see the tears in my eyes… but only you could feel the pain in my heart. Thanks for being my friend.

14) I don’t know what loneliness means, because sad and alone, I’ve never been. Through all of life’s murkiest corners and bends, I’ve always sailed through, because of you, my friend. Thanks.

15) I don’t know how I can say thank you to a friend who understands the all the things I never say and never says anything I don’t understand.
Friendship memories quote about simple times in life
16) Look back in life and you’ll see that some of the best memories will be the simple moments spent with friends. My friend, I owe you tons for giving me a pool of awesome nostalgia. I miss you.

17) I would rather thank you right now and today for being such an amazing friend, rather than regret not having said these words to you after life’s journey comes to an end.

18) I never get ruffled even when I have troubles coming my way, because I know that you are just a phone call away. Thanks.

19) My dear friend… thanks for walking with me when I needed support, thanks for walking ahead me when I needed guidance and thanks for walking behind me when I needed someone to watch my back.

20) Whoever said that diamonds are a girl’s best friend, obviously never had such a cool friend like you. Thank you for being my bestie.
Cute friendships day greeting card message for best friends
21) I don’t have any wishes in life. As long as I have friends like you, I’ve got it all.

22) Thank you for being the friend that I always wanted, needed and appreciated.

23) Just like how a rainbow has no value without its bright colors and a perfume has no value without its fragrance, my life has no value without a friend like you. Thanks for being my friend.

24) We are truly Best Friends Forever because I can’t remember when our friendship began and I know it will never end. Thanks.

25) Your presence lightens up my sky like the crimson rays of the morning sun. Being around you makes even dull and boring moments seem so fun. Thanks.
Sweet thank you message for friends
26) You make happiness worth sharing and you make my dreams worth believing. Thanks for being by my side and making my life worth living.

27) My friend… thanks for showing me the dreams that I didn’t have the courage to see myself.

28) You’re less of a friend and more of a mirror that hides my weaknesses and highlights my strengths. Thanks.

29) People who say that there are no Sorrys or Thank Yous in friendship, are wrong. I don’t know if I owe you a sorry but I definitely know that I owe you a big thank you for being my friend. xoxo

30) The best part of having a friend like you, is that I always have happy days to look forward to. Thanks mate.
Cute thank you card greeting for friends
31) Worries in my life are halved because I can share them with you. Happiness in my life is doubled because you never let me feel blue. Thanks.

32) You’re my BEST friend because some of my life’s BEST memories would exist if it weren’t for you. Thanks.

33) Today I want to declare, that your friendship is worth more than millions of likes on Facebook and hundreds of thousands of retweets on Twitter. Thanks for being a REAL friend.

34) You have been the foundation of our friendship, my pillar of strength and the wall which shields me from every sorrow. If you were a house, I could live inside you. Thanks bestie.

35) My friend, thanks for being with me through thick and thin. It’s because of you that in life, I always score a win.
Cute thank you note for friends

36) Our friendship helps me bloom into the person I am. I need you like how a flower needs sunshine. Thank you.

37) If friends like you came with price tags, I would have been a millionaire. You’re precious and our friendship is priceless.

38) You gave me your shoulder to lean on when I was down, a piece of your mind when I was acting crazy, your hand to help me move on and your heart to heal all my worries. Thanks for giving everything, for our friendship.

39) Living life without a friend like you would be like celebrating Christmas without Santa Claus or Easter without a chocolate bunny. Thanks for making my life a true celebration.

40) The way you help me solve all the problems in my life, sometimes I think that you are a fairy in disguise. Thanks for everything.

6 Things To Stay Away From If You Want To Look Younger

Age is something many of us have been obsessed with for years. When we were younger we wanted to look older, and as we got older we wanted ...