Wise To Still Hang On On A Cheater?

When you decide to not only forgive your partner for
cheating on you, but also continuing the relationship/
marriage, please do it because you're comfortable
doing so.

Its absolutely stupid on your path, to remain with
someone who once cheated on you, only to start
bullying, intimidating, blackmailing them with their
past and to crown it all, stalking them 24/7! Are you
that physically and psychologically jobless? Do you
not deserve your own peace of mind? The energy
you invest in being a monitoring spirit in their lives,
why not channel it into grooming another

Listen......if you like, stalk them without blinking,
anyone who wants to be a serial unrepentant cheat,
will keep it up, right in your face. The worst you'll do
is hurl insults at them and desperately try to make
them feel worse than the devil himself by throwing
their past mistakes in their faces..... After throwing
their past in their faces, biko what next? I guess
you'll be saddled with eating your heart out or, you'll
probably take consolation in denting their image
before whoever cares to listen. .. .. .. .. ..Lets assume
you opt for the latter, after doing so, what next?
While you're busy joblessly yip yapping, they are
busy starting life afresh. Guess what?

You can only
narrate their past, you can never write their
future.. .. ..here's what you dunno, we all have a past.
You are stupid, petty and damn immature to be
constantly using someone's past/the fact they they
cheated on you, against him/her. You can't stand the
heat, leave the kitchen. You can't live with the fact
that they once/a couple of times cheated on you, just
get them out of your life because, you've got a
standard, anything below that standard which you've
set, is not welcome....so kick them out of your life
and start afresh...no time for national nonsense.....Its
really that simple!

# Sighs ......

Don't remain in a relationship/marriage just because
you want to tame him/her. You will never know
peace, as you'll always be edgy over their where
about. You deserve your inner peace.. .. .. ..should
you decide to forgive being cheated on, then do it and
maturedly let it go. Never ever use it as a yard stick
to judge their future actions. Stalking them will never
make any difference. They might keep mute and
tolerate being stalked, bullied, insulted, blackmailed
and intimidated for a certain period of time, but trust
me, one day when they get choked up by your
immaturity and pettiness, they will walk out of your
life and go start afresh with someone who will never
stalk them and in most cases, they might never ever
cheat again, because they do not want to be bullied,
stalked or emotionally/psychologically blackmailed
ever again.

..............................New year is just around the corner,
if you're guilty of the content of this post, kindly

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