How To Make Her Miss You Like Crazy

Oh dear, yes, there is a time in your life where you will find yourself on the saddest spectrum of all. The one where you go from not missing her to missing her a little and then suddenly you are missing her like she has gone on and died. And when you finally reach that end of the chart and get to the point where missing her is driving you up a wall of regret, you might start to find yourself at a total loss of how to deal with it. So now you are sitting here wondering, ‘What is the next step here? What do I do?’ You are totally in your right mind to ask yourself that question. And you are even smarter for visiting this page today to help you with the answer. We know that this type of stuff can be ultimately difficult, and maybe even a little depressing, to take on. We get that. Love is known for how messy it can be for a reason. Feelings get slopped all over the place. Up is down and down is sideways. But don’t have too many worries about it, because we might actually have a solution for you. If you really find that you are missing her this much, then maybe you are right to assume that you two are meant to be together. Or at least meant to give it another shot. We aren’t sure what happened or why you are feeling this way, but we sure do know how to help you handle it! Our advice?  Make her miss you like crazy! And yes, it is totally possible to do so!! How? Well, luckily for you we know a few proven ways that might just help you accomplish that. Making someone miss you can be challenging as all heck, but it is not totally unachievable. You can do this, but you probably need our help. So let’s get down to business and do just that. Keep reading to see how you can make her miss you like crazy with these 25 following, successful and proven to work, tips below!

How To Make Her Miss You… Like Crazy! (Tips That Actually Work!)

And we mean this. This is why this is the number one on this list! Because it is so dang important to remember when you are trying to make somebody miss you. They are not going to miss you if you are constantly throwing yourself at them with attempts at revival. You want to let things happen naturally. Pushing too hard can, and probably will, drive her away instead of making her want to come back to you. You want to let her take things at her own pace. Forcing anything is never a good idea. There might be an air of resentment in the end if you do it too quickly. Or it might not give her enough time to really decide whether she wants to miss you or not. Just trust us: Don’t try too hard!!

Instead of trying too hard, try hard at playing hard to get. We all know that this is a more effective way of getting someone to start missing you. When you put a little bit of distance, or even a lot, between you then it gives her time and space to realize what she is missing in the first place. If you are constantly around and chatting her up, she will not have any time to have that feeling of missing you from her life, because you will always be there! Stop picking up your phone each time that she texts or calls you. Make other plans, go out and be with other people. Although you want to make her your number priority, we suggest that you don’t do it! Let her know that there are other important things in your life. This will make her want to work harder at becoming your number one priority.

Apologize If You Messed Up

Okay, so this tip might not be for every single situation, but it is a proven tip that works in one certain situation. That situation would be one where you did something really unforgiving or did something to upset her in some way. You will never get here to miss you if she is truly angered by some of your words or actions. A sincere apology might be the only route to go if this is the case. Why would she miss someone who hurt her and didn’t even say sorry for it? So get going on that apology letter, text or phone call. You would be surprised at how much a few simple words can be when it comes to these types of things.

If you did end up doing something awful to her that warrants an apology from you, you might want to consider also making a grand gesture towards her. Why? To show her that you actually care about her. She might have come to believe that the romance between the two of you is dead because of what you did. So now it is up to you to make her aware that the romance between you is very much alive. We suggest getting her flowers, her favorite gift or planning a major surprise for her. Of course you want to avoid going overboard. Don’t bombard her with these things! Just one, big, special gesture should do it!

Don’t Blow Up Her Phone Or Social Media

Nothing says ‘crazy’ like becoming the annoying guy that starts constantly blowing up her phone. Whether through social media or text, repeatedly texting or calling her is always going to be a bad idea. It’s okay to indulge in a little bit of her social media. Like a thing here and there. But if you are always popping up she is going to assume you are probably stalking her. Lay low and keep things simple! Do not over do it. This will bring her to miss you more and more. She is going to find herself wishing you were liking more things or starting more conversation with her… Once you stop doing so in the first place.

You want to make sure that you are taking care of your appearance during this time that the two of you are apart. Looking like a mess is not going to bring her to miss you like crazy at all. Instead it is going to make her thankful that she isn’t around you. Hygiene, style and everything in between is important when it comes to trying to appeal to someone. No one wants someone that looks like a rugged mess, right? Right. So look your best! This is going to make her miss you more each and everyday. She’s going to find herself wanting to see this beautiful version of you sometime soon.

Don’t get us wrong- A guy with a good level of confidence is always kind of hot! However, getting too cocky and letting your arrogance overwhelm her is going to be NO GOOD! Arrogance is not hot. Don’t ever forget that. Being humble will make her miss you more than being a complete jerk face because you don’t know how to stop hyping yourself up. Being this way can also bring her to believe that you care more about yourself than you do about her. This is no way to get her missing you. No way at all.

We know that you might be a little bitter that she is not focusing all of her attention on you or that the two of you aren’t vibing at the moment. We get it. But, and this is a big but, do not be angry at her. Lashing out at her is going to push her even farther away from you. Why would she miss someone who is going out his way to make her feel bad about herself? The answer: She won’t! She won’t miss someone like that at all. Instead she will find that she is grateful she, you, or both of you ended things with one another. Be nice. Being nice is the only option when it comes to this! Otherwise she will not miss you like crazy. That’s a fact!

This isn’t some 80’s movie. Standing outside her window with Spotify blasting above your head isn’t going to get you anywhere… Except maybe arrested. Planning run ins with her or always showing up where she is will also be a bad idea, my friend. We know that you might have the urge to see her when you can, but don’t do it. How is she ever going to find out if she misses you if you never go away? We know it’s blunt, but it’s the truth!

Give Her Space If She Needs It

Can’t miss someone if they never left, now can we? Most definitely not. So give her space. This is super crucial advice when it comes to getting her to miss you like crazy! Especially if you have done something to her that has caused a very unhappy reaction. Giving her space will give her time to cool off or become less distressed with you. This will also give her time to think about what she wants. In this time, with the space you give her, she will be able to clearly think about whether she wants to give things another go or not. And if she doesn’t, then it just simply wasn’t meant to be.

Like we said, gestures are important when trying to get someone’s attention. But overdoing them is not. You want to make sure you find the perfect balance in this kind of thing. Which, we know, can be difficult, but it is nowhere near impossible. Sending flowers or chocolates is a great idea. However, we suggest that you only do it once! Let her know that you are thinking of her, but don’t overwhelm her with it. Keeping things simple is key. You want her to miss you, not think you are being a little too desperate.

Don’t Reek Of Desperation

Speaking of desperation… That reminds us, don’t do it! Don’t be that guy. The one who is throwing himself at her feet every single day. We know you might feel the need to grovel just a little bit, but don’t do it. At least not until you guys open up a good gateway of communication. This will usually happen when she finally realizes just how much she really misses you! Being desperate? Yeah, that ish is so not attractive.

Alright, so read this proven tip very carefully. Really, read it slowly! Making someone jealous can work to make them miss you. If you do it in the right way! This is vital information. Going too far with this can lead to disaster and will blow up right in your face. Trust us, we know these things. So how can you make her jealous in the right way vs. the wrong one?

Easy. Spend time with other girls, but do not goes as far as to get physically intimate with them or get in a relationship with them. Also, do your best not to shove it too far in her face. Make it apparent you are sharing your time with someone else, but don’t make it too noticeable. She will eventually catch on to the fact that you are going out of your way to make her jealous. You just want her thinking that your mind is starting to wander on to other people.

Rushing anything is never going to be a great plan, bud. You want to take things slowly. Give her some real time to actually start to miss you. Being too overbearing about it can send her in the direction of losing interest in you. And we are pretty sure that is exactly the opposite of what you are aiming for her. Let her take things at her own pace. It’s for the best to do it this way. Again, we want things to happen naturally. Let her miss you like crazy on her own terms, not yours.

A truly awesome way to make her start to miss you, and yes it is proven, is to focus your attention on her, her wants and her needs. She is going to take note of these kinds of things. She is going to think of you as a much nicer person if you do. She is going to miss that type of attention in her life when it is gone. So do the best that you can at proving to her that you are worried about her happiness! It’s worth it in the end.

Be Her Shoulder To Lean On

You are also going to want to make an effort to be there for her when she needs you. Like when she needs a shoulder to cry on or someone to vent to. Of course, we get that you don’t want to be friend-zoned with that type of thing, but if you play your cards right and follow all of these tips, that simply won’t happen.  She is going to appreciate you as a person if you show her that you care and that you will always be there for her. She is going to miss you when she needs someone to be there for her. And hopefully she will find herself being drawn back to you when she needs someone to rely on.

Being petty towards her is a good way to drive her crazy in a bad way! We mean it! Don’t be that guy! It is understandable that you are feeling a bit standoffish because, at this time, she might not be missing you like you want her to. But be patient. Don’t let your anger or pettiness leak out. Keep that all bottled up inside and then go ahead to reaping the rewards from doing so!

Let Her Know How You Feel

We always think that talking things out is a good idea. She might actually start missing you more if she knows that you also miss her. If you do not let her know, at least once, that you are finding yourself a little lost without her then she might never know that you two can be reunited. She might think that you couldn’t care less about her or that you don’t miss her. You missing her is going to spark the fire inside her that will make her miss you. It’s proven to work in more cases than not. She might not give you a second thought if she assumes that you are not thinking about her! However, it is important to not be too much about your feelings. Like we said, letting her know once, maybe twice if you’re feeling ballsy, is a good idea. But leave it at that! From there on out she knows and that is all you need at this time.

But Don’t Do It All The Time

Yes, telling her how you feel every day, all day is not going to be good. It will only make it seem like you are desperate. She might not actually believe that you miss her if you say it too often. You want to keep things a little vague. Mystery is going to ignite her curiosity. She is going to want to reach out to you for more information (in her own time) if you leave a little left unsaid. Gushing too much can ruin everything. Let her come to you to find out more. Don’t just give it away for free. Trust this tip, it is more than proven to work!

Being shady, flakey or all over the place? Yeah, not a supreme plan in our opinion. You want to stay on the same wavelength for as long as you possibly can! Be consistent. This means being so with your words and your actions. And doing it as much as you can. Letting things fly all over the place might lead her to believe that you are not a serious personality type. You want to show her that you are not that kind of person. Be real, be honest, be straightforward and stay consistent. It will be better this way!

Like we just mentioned- Be honest! Honesty is key in any type of relationship. We highly doubt that she will find herself missing you like crazy if you are a liar, a cheater or you beat around the bush with things too much. Girls like guys who can be up front with things like their feelings. No one is going to trust in you if you are any less than honest with them, right? Right!

Okay, so we don’t want you to misinterpret this. We don’t think that you should go out of your way to change yourself for anyone! Much less a girl! However, if it is something super negative, maybe take her advice. You might want to think about whether or not there is anything that you could change about yourself or your life that would make you a better person? She might find herself missing you if she realizes that you are willing to take the negative things about yourself and turn them into more positive things.

Don’t Spill Too Much Information

Keep things ominous if you can. Leaving everything and anything that you are doing out in the open will not peak her interest in you. She will already know everything that she needs to know. You want to have her wondering what you are up to, what you are feeling and who are you hanging around. She is going to feel an urge to inquire… If she simply has no other way of knowing. This, in a sense, is going to be her missing you!

Being a good friend is going to be the best thing that you can do to make her start wishing you were in her life more and more. If you are an awful friend, she is not going to find herself missing you! You want to be a good person to her and show her the better qualities of yourself. This will make her want you around more often.

Last piece of advice? Don’t force things that don’t flow. It just isn’t possible. If she isn’t vibing with you and she isn’t missing you after all of these tips… Well, sorry to say that it might be a lost cause. You are a good person and you deserve someone that wants you! You can’t force her to miss you. But that doesn’t mean you can’t give it your best shot! Good luck, friend!

6 Secret Signs A Girl Likes You But She's Trying Not To Show It

Crush. What a sweet thing to talk about. Although not every crushes have happy end, it’s still awesome when we think again about how that special person draw us closer and deeper. When people likes someone, they usually will act differently than they usually are.

Some might become more active, kinda getting some sort of euphoria, perhaps? But we all know that there are people who just seem like sitting in the corner and watch. Admiring from afar, thinking about that person day and night without anyone knowing.

However, those are just few examples of how liking people change someone. There are way more type of people when it comes to liking someone. There’s one type that boys might find it quite good yet confusing. Ever had that girl who never tries to show that she actually likes you? Don’t worry, well, you’re not the only one who struggles here. If the case is you like her too, then it might be quite suffocating.

But if you feel that way, perhaps you’re missing on something. The signs a girl likes you but is trying not to show it, It doesn’t matter how hard she tries not to show it, there are signs that you can still see. Here, you’ll find signs a girl likes you but is trying not to show it.
Reason She’s Trying not to Show

Before knowing furthermore about the signs that you can be aware of, you should know first, why is she doing that. Here are few possible reasons why she’s trying not to show that she likes you :

She’s afraid
It’s not pointless, why this point comes first. The most possible reason why she’s not trying to show is that she’s scared and afraid. Afraid of what? Well, maybe she’s afraid of rejection? She’s scared that once she shows you’ll run away.
Perhaps she’s just afraid that your reaction is not what she expected. At times, maybe what she’s afraid of is that you both can no longer be friends once she shows.

Nope, it’s not always like you’re embarrassing her. It’s not impossible that she’s not used to show affection or act of liking. She has a trauma, or she has no experience in that. She’s too embarassed or maybe shy to show you how she feels.

You’re a star-crossing couple
You’re a teacher and she’s your student? Are you both come from different races and your parents won’t ever let you be together? Does culture that you need to look into like Indian Dating Culture, seems unsupporting to both of you? Do you come from the same office and love is prohibited? Perhaps she’s just trying to deny her feeling and stop liking you.

Signs a Girl Likes You But is Trying Not to Show It
Even if a girl tries hard to hide, well, not to show her feelings for you, she can never do it 100%. Once she’s interested, she will always drop you a hint. Tons of hint. What matters is how you read and sense that hint correctly. So, here are the signs that a girl likes you but is trying not to show it :

What’s the signs a girl likes you but is trying not to show it? Even when someone tries not to show that she likes you, she wouldn’t be able to stand the will to stare at you. You might catch her taking a glance then look away not so long after. If she likes you, staring at you might be her new hobby.
But, if you look back, she’ll be too nervous for eye contact. However, stare and eye contact can be a scientific ways to make someone fall in love with you.

If she’s a shy person, try to pay attention, whenever you’re around, she seema nervous without particular reasons. Maybe she’s stuttering, seems kinda blank, then it might be a signs an introverted girl likes you 

Plays with her hair
When a girl’s around the guy they like, they might feel so excited yet nervous. You might catch her playing around with her bangs or hairs. That can be a sign of nervous or even unconscious flirt. Body languages can never lie, no matter how hard she tries to hide it. 

She listens
Whenever you’re talking, be it with your friend or anyone, she’ll be listening to you if she’s there. She’ll pay attention to what you say more than she do to the other person than you.

Look at her feet
Body language never lie. Her feet will points to your direction most of the time. This shows her attraction towards you. Even when she’s in a group of people, or when she’s all alone, her feet will tell you everything you would like to know.

She becomes quieter when you’re around
She’s shy. She’s trying to hide the fact that she likes you. This alone will already supress her, filling her mind with the thought of not making it obvious. Even if she’s with her group of friends, you’ll catch her being the quiet one. She probably busy staring at you the whole time and just not in sync with her other friends. She might be there, but her mind and heart is definitely somewhere else.

Well, people do deal differently with crushes. If your girl is that one girl who tries not to show her feeling, then you will have to seek out for these signs mentioned above. Finding out just one of the sign from her might excite you, but well, you should seek for more than just one sign to make sure you’re not reading it wrongly.

Understand her reasons, then as a guy, try to find a way out of the signs a girl likes you but is trying not to show it. If she’s doing that because she’s shy, then of course you got to make the move on her. However, there’s nothing fixed when it comes to love. You surely can find and do things your own way. You might even feel like finding how to ask your crush out without embarrassing you . As long as it comes from your heart and that it’s not against the rule, then nothing can go wrong.


 A Thank You Note From

Paul Onoriode Isodhe 

For all the Birthday prayers, and wishes.

My profound appreciation and gratitude to u all, can't thank u all enough as I feel so speechless cos u are the best. From d depth of ma heart I say a BIG THANK YOU for ur calls,  messages, text, prayers and wishes as I became a year older yesterday, It was like the day shouldn't come to an end. My appreciation knows no bound, Thank you, gracias, siabonga, merci, asante sana,obrigado, medaci. Love u all,lets do. This again next year🙏🙏🙏🙏

Romantic Questions To Ask Your Girlfriend

You had some sweet dates, and you already started dating. You call her your girlfriend, and she calls you her boyfriend. But how to make your relationship in this period even more exciting and romantic? The answer is simple, you need to choose the right topics for conversations and ask intriguing romantic questions. The following romantic texts she will like for sure.

Romantic questions for her:

Ever thought of your most cherished romantic dream?How do imagine the idea of an ideal date?How would you like to spend your honeymoon? How do you imagine it?Where would you like to spend future family romantically holidays?How can you describe yourself in childhood? A hooligan or a quiet girl?What romantic dreams you have? Am I a part of them?What made you laugh most of all over the past week?Is there any sound you like the most? The sound of a burning fireplace in the house, ocean waves or a sound of a forest?What do you think of real love?What romantic movie can you watch again and again?Love on the sandy; warm beach sounds romantic?

Do you want to stay so young and beautiful forever?Have you ever thought to become a famous fashion model?Can you say that the most romantic dates you have were with me?Listen, I read today that you appeared to be in the Guinness Book of Records, as the cutest girl. Is it true?What romantic song would you choose for a perfect date?Have you ever dreamed of riding a horse on the beach under the moon?

Do you want to hear how beautiful you are in all the languages of the world?What flower brings the most romantic feelings to you?What is your most romantic dream?If I could take you to any place in the world, where would we fly?What is yours the most romantic season of the year?Guess what you got me interested in?

If someone writes a book about you, what name will it have?Heard me today on the radio Romantic? I was singing there for you.What do you think about the love at first sight? Is it possible?Name me the fairy tale are you from?You look amazing! You are practicing fitness, right?I was thinking to make a movie about love. Do you want to be there as a leading role actress?Does love ever make you suffer?Imagine that you have only one hour left to live, and I am close to you, what shall we do?My dear, what style our house will have?Are you probably waiting for the prince on a white horse? Here I am! How about a romantic dinner?

Do you like to be the most adorable girl on the planet Earth?What action should I take to impress you?Do you ever fall in love? How about me now?Do you ever have morning dates? Were they romantic?What do you think is most beautiful in romantic relationships?Do you have a dream I can make come true?How should a guy show his feelings?Do you like when I call you a "bunny," "sun," "my soul"?How can a man conquer your heart?

I wish I could spend days and nights with you forever! How about you?What do you like most about us?Describe me with three adjectives?Do you ever dream to become a movie star? Can I take a picture of you?Would you like to spend a sleepless night on the beach looking at the stars?

Girls always like to talk about themselves and love when their boyfriend is questioning them. Talking to your girl about some romantic ideas, feelings, and romantic themes, you can better know her and understand in the future how to turn her head during another romantic date.


Starting a conversation with a girl you don’t know can be intimidating. Fortunately, there are some tricks you can use to start engaging conversations with girls you meet.


Method One of Four:
Casual Conversation

Introduce yourself. Approach the girl you want to start a conversation with, smile and say hello. Tell her your name and ask for hers. Keep it simple. A genuine, polite greeting beats a cheesy pick-up line any day.In any situation, try a straightforward introduction. For example: "Hi, my name is Bob. What's your name?"In a bar, you can offer to buy the girl a drink. For example: "Hi, my name is Joe. Can I buy you a drink?"

Ask her how she is doing. Politely asking a girl how her day was or how she's feeling is a nice way to get her talking. It also makes a good impression as it shows that you are genuinely interested in her and are willing to listen.A simple "How are you doing today?" never fails. Make sure to listen to her answer, it's not supposed to be a rhetorical question!Ask her "How was your day today? Did you do anything fun?" This prompts her to give more than a one word answer and gives you a chance to show off those amazing listening skills.

Comment about the weather. You can't go wrong with a harmless observation about the weather, or some other matter-of-fact subject. Make a comment about how sunny/windy/rainy it is. This gives you a safe topic to break the ice with. Once she has responded you can move on to more engaging topics.Turn it into a question, rather than a statement. Say something like "Beautiful day out today, isn't it?" or "I hope this rain eases off soon, don't you?" This gives her the opportunity to respond.If you're not a fan of the weather approach, try another safe topic. For instance, you can try commenting on your surroundings. In a bar, you could say something like "Wow, it's crowded in here tonight, isn't it?"

Ask a question about class or work.Finding some common ground can really help to break the ice in a conversation. Ask her thoughtful questions about work or class to get the conversation flowing.If you take a class together, ask her what she thinks of it, whether she likes the professor, or if she's interested in whatever you're studying right now. Say something like "Have you seen the essay topics for next semester? Do you know which topic you're going to write on?"If you work together, ask her if she's working on any interesting projects right now.

Bring up pop culture. Referencing pop culture is a clever, non-personal way to bring up personal interests. By finding out what kind of movies or music a girl likes, you can gain an insight into the type of person she is and what her interests are. Such valuable information could help you plan an awesome future date!For televisions shows, ask her something like "Do you watch Mad Men? Who is your favorite character?"For music, ask her "Have you heard Daft Punk's new album? What did you think?For movies, "Have you seen the latest Tarantino film? I heard it's fantastic!"

Mention an upcoming event.Mentioning an upcoming event, such as a music festival or exam, can give you something to get excited or nervous about with the girl. This creates a rapport between the two of you and allows the girl to see how much you have in common!If you're both taking the same exam, you could say something like "I'm dreading the math final next week. I suck at algebra! How are you feeling about it?"If you're having a conversation about music, you could mention an upcoming festival. Say something like "Are you going to Coachella this year? I went with a bunch of friends last year, we had a blast! What bands are you hoping to see?"If it's coming up to a holiday, you could say something like "I can't wait for Halloween next week. My friend is having a house party and I've got a great werewolf costume planned. Are you doing anything fun?"

Method Two of Four:
Friendly Conversation

Mention a Common Friend. Bringing up a mutual friend in your conversation will help you to draw a personal connection to the girl, even if you don't know her well. She will feel more at ease, as you will no longer seem like a complete stranger! Having a common friend also gives you something (or someone) to talk about.Try saying something like "I've heard you're good friends with Allison. How do you two know each other?"Or "Oh so you know Dan? We go way back! He's hilarious, isn't he?"

Bring up a shared experience. Bringing up a shared experience - whether it's working as a volunteer or growing up on a farm - helps to create a personal connection between the two of you and establishes the beginning of a bond.If you realize that you both grew up on a farm, you could say something like "No way! Me too! The worst part was the early mornings, my Dad would get me up at 5 a.m. everyday during the summer to help out! What was it like for you?"If you both worked on volunteer projects you could say something like "I thought it was a really rewarding experience. What inspired you to get involved?"

Pose an interesting question. Asking the girl an unusual or thought-provoking question will break the ice and allow the girl to speak her mind. It will give the girl a chance to express herself while you make a good impression for asking such an interesting question in the first place. Win-win!Try something like "If you could be an animal, what type of animal would you be?"Or something like "What are the top five places you want to visit before you die?"Or maybe "Would you ever consider doing a skydive?"

Mention a shared interest. Discovering that you have a shared interest is conversational gold and will really help you to start establishing a bond with the girl. It doesn't matter what the interest is - be it reading, running, rowing or rock-climbing - what matters is that it's something you share.If you discover that you both like running you could ask her what her favorite local routes are, or if she's ever considered training for a marathon.If you both like reading, you could ask her who her favorite author is or what she thought of a recent film adaption of a well-known novel.If it's something really quirky, ask her how she first got involved with it and compare stories!

Ask a personal question. If things are going well and the two of you seem to be hitting it off, it might be time to get a little more personal. Remember that the aim is to show that you're interested in her and want to get to know her better, not to make her feel uncomfortable. Don't ask her anything that you wouldn't feel comfortable answering yourself.Keep it positive! Don't ask her what her greatest fear or biggest secret is, ask her about her hopes for the future or where she sees herself in ten years. Leave it up to her whether she wants to answer seriously or keep it light-hearted.Try asking her about her family, start with something simple and non-invasive like "Do you have any brothers or sisters?"If you want to find out if she's single, simply ask her "Are you seeing anybody right now?"

Method Three of Four:
Flirtatious Conversation

Compliment her. Keep it genuine and polite. Tell her that she has a beautiful smile, that you like her necklace or that her laughter is infectious. Make her feel special. Be careful not to overwhelm her with larger-than-life compliments, you will just come across as insincere.Try telling her "You have a great smile, there's something infectious about it!"Or say "That's a cute dress, red really suits you."

Try a pickup line. A good pickup line will make a girl laugh and definitely get her attention. Avoid anything too cheesy or creepy sounding. The key to making a pickup line work is confident delivery, so don't be shy!For romance, try "Hi, I'm Andrew. I thought we should at least have a conversation before we get married."[1]For quirkiness, try "I can't think of anyone I'd rather survive the Zombie Holocaust with."[1]For flattery, try "My buddies bet me that I wouldn't be able to start a conversation with the most beautiful girl in the bar. Wanna buy some drinks with their money?"[2]

Focus on non-verbal cues. You can use non-verbal cues, such as body language or facial expressions, to turn an otherwise non-flirtatious comment into something with romantic undertones.Keep your body language open and inviting. Maintain good eye contact and smile, smile, smile!Lightly touch her hand or arm when telling a story, this helps to create intimacy and moves you out of the friend zone.Avoid negative body language such as crossing your arms, scowling or looking down.

Method Four of Four:
Overall Behavior

Project Confidence. The underlying key to all flirtation is confidence. What women really want is a man who is comfortable in his own skin, a man who's happy, capable and self-assured.Update your wardrobe. When you feel good about your appearance, you'll naturally project confidence, so ditch the baggy jeans and invest in some good quality, well-fitting pieces to help you look and feel like 007.[3]Speak clearly and confidently. This doesn't mean talking over people or interrupting them constantly, but try to speak a little louder than you normally would. Avoid qualifying sentences with too many "like"s and "you know"s.[3]

Listen well. Try not to dominate the conversation. Ask plenty of questions and listen carefully to her responses. Listening demonstrates that you are interested in her and in what she has to say.

Remain engaged in the conversation.Open up about yourself, give the girl more and more reason to like you. Respond to her questions and let her get to know you a little but don't go on and on either, the goal is to engage and intrigue her, not bore her.

Make eye contact. Maintaining good eye contact will make you appear more trustworthy and attractive. Looking someone in the eye comes naturally when you're feeling comfortable and confident. Make sure to look at her directly whenever either of you is speaking, but remember to look away during pauses in conversation - staring is creepy![3]

Smile. Smiling makes you look happy, approachable and more attractive. That's the kind of guy girls want to be around, so show off those pearly whites.

Avoid "yes" or "no" questions. Questions that can be answered with a simple "yes" or "no" are not a recipe for engaging conversation. Close-ended questions aren't effective for getting the girl to really invest into the conversation. Try to pose more interesting, open-ended questions which require longer, more thoughtful answers. Close-ended questions should only potentially be used in the very, very beginning of the conversation so as to put only a minimum amount of pressure on her. Starting conversations with strangers is an already awkward experience and making it more awkward for her by putting pressure on her with an open-ended question may be counter-productive. So you may start off with open-ended questions like "Is this your first time here?" or "How are you?" to get more comfortable with the situation before proceeding to more open-ended questions.

Avoid controversial topics. Bringing controversial topics into the conversation can make her feel awkward, uncomfortable, or just downright angry. Avoid seeking her views on topics such as politics or religion during your first conversation or your relationship runs the risk of being over before it's even begun.

Conversation Help

Ways to Start a Conversation with a Female Friend

Ways to Talk to a Girl You're Interested In

Quick Summary

Before you start a conversation with a girl, take a few deep breaths and try to relax. It's OK to feel nervous, but try to seem confident by standing up straight and smiling. Once you feel ready, introduce yourself to the girl and ask how she’s doing. Try saying something like “Hi, I’m Jake. How are you today?” If the conversation stalls, ask her a question about class or work, or mention a friend you have in common. For example, you could say, “Are you ready for the test on Friday?


Appear interested but not too eager. If someone else is competing for her attention, be willing to walk away so that you don't look desperate. Most girls love a challenge, so your willingness to step away from the conversation may make her even more interested in you.

If she seems interested in you, take the plunge and ask for her number. The next day, send her a text message saying that you enjoyed talking to her.

Text her within the first two hours saying; "Hey I really enjoyed talking to you today would you like to meet another time?" This way she knows you are "interested" in her.

Comment on something you are both doing. If you're on the bus together, comment on the driver or make a quip about the traffic. If you're both in line for coffee, joke about how long the line is taking or ask her what she's having.

If you know her well enough, try to ask her out without being rude.

Try to keep things light. Don't immediately share your deepest secrets, just have fun and be yourself.


Sometimes, your girl just won't want to answer your questions or talk to you. Say something polite and move on. You can do better.

10 Celebrities Got Knocked Down By Drug.

Many celebrities find themselves getting addicted to either drugs or alcohol, ruining not only their career but their lives as a whole. We have curated a list of some celebrities whose careers have been ruined by excessive consumption of alcohol and drugs.
We don’t know if you’ll enjoy it, but share to discourage someone from addictive substances.

01. Whitney Houston
Whitney Houston was everybody’s favorite singer. She was also a producer and an actress, starring in hugely successful movies like The Bodyguard and The Preacher’s Wife. In 2009, the Guinness World Records named her the most awarded female act ever, adding to the, well, list of accolades she’d already received. Despite all these, she was addicted to drugs – a habit she (is said to have) picked up from her husband and partner – Bobby Brown. She died on the 11th of February 2012, as a result of drowning due to intoxication.

02Amy Winehouse
Born 14th, September 1983, Amy was an English singer and songwriter who was known for her deep contralto vocals and eclectic mix of musical genres. Everyone who knew her personally said she was a sweetheart, but she was also addicted to alcohol. In ****, she died as a result of alcohol poisoning.

03. Majek Fashek
Once upon a time, Majekodunmi Fasheke was the biggest music act from Nigeria. He was the first African to perform on the now-defunct US legendary talk show – Late Night Show with David Letterman and he was once signed to Interscope Records.
During the course of his career, he worked with acts like Michael Jackson, Snoop Dogg, Tracy Chapman, Jimmy Cliff and Beyoncé. Unfortunately, his addiction to drugs ruined his career, and life. He was checked into a rehabilitation facility in 2015 and is making an attempt to return to the music industry.

04Britney Spears
Britney Spears was born in 1981 and is especially popular for her album, Oops! I did it again. She was so big that she was once described as the biggest female pop star on earth, but she became addicted to drugs and everything fell apart. Today, she has lost millions of fans, endorsement deals, and is a shadow of her former self.

05Lindsay Lohan
Lindsay started her career as a child, and she was everybody’s sweetheart. It was overwhelming to watch her grow from that cheeky little girl to, well, a woman with numerous mug shots from post-drunken sprees. Coupled with kleptomania, she hasn’t had an easy adult life, and this has cost her a lot in revenue money.

Earl ‘DMX’ Simmons is an American rapper, ruff-ryder, record producer and actor known for his gruff style of rapping and his gangsta music. He dominated the rap/Hip-Hop scene in the late 90’s/early 2000’s dropping albums like “It’s dark and hell is hot”, “And then there was X”, etc. He is the first rapper in history to release two number one albums in the same year, and the only artist in history to release 5 consecutive albums that debuted at number one. All this is to show you how great his life was until he succumbed to drug abuse. Today he is broke (after filing for bankruptcy) and a complete shadow of himself.

07. Hanks Anuku
Hanks Anuku was one of the biggest actors in Nollywood in the early 2000s. Because of his foreign accent, he was usually cast in “I just got back” and/or ‘bad guy’ roles and he executed them really well. But his fate changed because of drugs and alcohol. He dropped off the radar and even though he was a Special Assistant to then Governor Emmanuel Uduaghan of Delta State, his addiction affected him mentally. He reportedly sought help from TB Joshua, got cured of his addictions, and has since relocated to Ghana, where he has naturalized and is now Nana Kwame Fifi Kakra Anuku.

08. Charlie Sheen
There was a time when Charlie Sheen was the most eligible bachelor in Hollywood, and the world. He was so loved and admired because of his huge acting talent and his character on shows like 2 and a Half Men. But today, his name is synonymous with wild nights, drugs binges, notorious playboy lifestyle and the revelation he is HIV positive, and knowingly infected many women. Sad.

09. Tara Reid
Remember Vicky in American Pie? Ah well, the once beautiful woman succumbed to drugs and alcohol, and her life never remained the same. A surgery session gone wrong plus series of divorces also got her looking nothing like the snack we all wanted to ‘eat’ when we saw American Pie that year. Sigh

10. Macaulay Culkin
As kids, we all watched Home Alone, Richie Rich, and we all loved it. Both movies were funny, hugely successful and established Macaulay Culkin as the most successful child actor of the early 90’s. Unfortunately, he fell off the radar after becoming addicted to drugs and alcohol. His forays in the music industry have not borne fruits and his attempt to return to making movies have ultimately been unsuccessful. Don’t do drugs kids.

6 Things To Stay Away From If You Want To Look Younger

Age is something many of us have been obsessed with for years. When we were younger we wanted to look older, and as we got older we wanted ...