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Oleh Latitude and Longitude
The latitude for Oleh, Nigeria is: 5.458936 and the longitude is: 6.203092.
Oleh Latitude: | 5.458936 |
Oleh Longitude: | 6.203092 |
Latitude DMS: | 5°27'32.17"N |
Longitude DMS: | 6°12'11.13"E |
UTM Easting: | 190,054.60 |
UTM Northing: | 604,114.86 |
UTM Zone: | 32N |
Position from Earth's Center: | NE |
Elevation: | 14.91 Meters (48.91 Feet) |
City: | Oleh |
Province: | Delta |
Country: | Nigeria |
Country Code: | NG |
Country Code Alpha-3: | NGA |
Country Continent: | Africa |
Time Zone: | Africa/Lagos |
Time Zone Abbreviation: | WAT |
WAT Stands for: | West Africa Time |
Daylight Saving Time: | No |
UTC/GMT Difference: | +01:00 |
Current Time: | Friday January 13th 10:22am |
Oleh, Nigeria Summary
Oleh has a latitude of 5°27'32.17"N and a longitude of 6°12'11.13"E or 5.458936 and 6.203092 respectively.
Areas near Oleh:
- 10.1 Km NNE to Ozoro, Delta (see coordinates for Ozoro)
- 25.6 Km S to Patani, Bayelsa (see coordinates for Patani)
- 34.1 Km S to Sagbama, Bayelsa (see coordinates for Sagbama)
- 37.3 Km ENE to Aboh, Delta (see coordinates for Abo)
- 38.4 Km NNW to Abraka, Delta (see coordinates for Abraka)
Populated areas nearby:
- 23.6 Km W to Ughelli, Delta (see coordinates for Ughelli)
- 37.9 Km NE to Kwale, Delta (see coordinates for Kwale)
- 46.6 Km WNW to Warri, Delta (see coordinates for Warri)
- 60.3 Km S to Yenagoa, Rivers (see coordinates for Yenagoa)
- 72.4 Km ENE to Oguta, Imo (see coordinates for Oguta)
Airports near 5°27'32.17"N and 6°12'11.13"E:
- "QRW" Warri Airport (45.3 Km WNW see coordinates for Warri Airport (QRW))
Now that you know the location, you might also be interested in knowing the land elevation or altitude, for details see elevation for Oleh.
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